Volume 61, Number 3, November 2021


Education as the practice of freedom
Fergal Finnegan, Peter Lavender & Alan Tuckett with Trace Ollis


Surf on Pauliño
Budd Hall

Refereed articles

A historical remembrance of Paulo Freire in South Africa: A tale of two activists
John Aitchinson & Veronica Irene McKay

Our homeland is humanity: The Cuban School of Literacy and Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Bob Boughton & Deborah Durnan

Revisiting Freire
Griff Foley

Becoming an activist-scholar through Pedagogy of the Oppressed: An autoethnographic account of engaging with Freire as a teacher and researcher
Helen Underhill

Annunciation and denunciation in Paulo Freire’s dialogical popular education
Linden West

From the field

Literacy and transformation: Shedding of spoilt identities
Vicky Duckworth & Marie McNamara

Letters to those who dare to teach

Paulo Freire: A necessary voice
Sergio Haddad

The critical power of Freire’s work
Licínio C. Lima

Letters to those who dare teach: Another world is possible
Paul Gurton

A RED-letter day
Tony Davis

Book review

Socially just pedagogies: Posthumanist, feminist and materialist perspectives in higher education – Vivienne Bozalek, Rosi Braidotti, Tamara Shefer and Michalinos Zembylas (eds.)
Reviewed by Natalie Purves

Volume 61, Number 2, July 2021

Featured article

Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for lifelong learning
Henrique Lopes & Veronica Irene McKay

Refereed articles

The Women’s Shed movement: Scoping the field internationally
Barry Golding, Lucia Carragher & Annette Foley

Echoes of the Grand Tour: Shared international experiences in nursing education
George Lafferty & Francis Lyn

Becoming a social entrepreneur: Individual and collective learning in communities of practice
Morteza Eslahchi & Ali Osman

A deep active learning approach to exploring young adults’ learning in a picture book elective
Nini Zhang, Huijun Zhao & Karen Guo

Learning to change: Transformative outcomes of participation in programs and activities among family caregivers of people with dementia in Taiwan
Chia-Ming Yen

The influential factors of university teachers’ lifelong learning in professional development
Hongyan Zhou & Chia-Ching Tu

Book reviews

Educating the deliberate professional: Preparing for future practices – Franziska Trede & Celina McEwen (eds.)
Reviewed by Cheryl Ryan

Learning in work: A negotiation model of socio-personal learning – Raymond Smith
Reviewed by Marg Malloch

Volume 61, Number 1, April 2021

Refereed articles

Psychological distress among students in enabling education
Johanna Nieuwoudt

Try before you buy: Using enabling programs to negotiate the risks of higher education
Lynn Jarvis

Factors likely to sustain a mature-age student to completion of their doctorate
Robert Templeton

Guaranteed Minimum Income and Universal Basic Income programs: Implications for adult education
Juan Ramón Rodríguez-Fernández & Spyros Themelis

In search of biographical ageing – a research-based concept
Małgorzata Malec-Rawiński

Book review

Research methods for social justice and equity in education – Liz Atkins and Vicky Duckworth (2020)
Reviewed by Peter Lavender