The relative value of investment in ‘second chance’ educational opportunities for adults in Sweden and Australia: a comparative analysis

Author/s: Tom Stehlik and Michael Christie

Edition: Volume 47, Number 3, November 2007

Summary: The article presents a comparative analysis of educational policy and provision in Sweden and Australia, with particular emphasis on the relative investment in continuing and further education in both countries. The authors investigate the extent to which further education opportunities provide a ‘second chance’ at learning for adults and contribute to social and economic capital.

Keywords: educational policy, provision, Sweden, Australia, investment, further education

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Skilling Australians: Lessons from World War II national workforce development programs

Author/s: Darryl Dymock and Stephen Billett

Edition: Volume 50, Number 3, November 2010

Summary: Governments are currently mobilising their national workforces to compete effectively in a globalised economy where being export‑effective and import-competitive are necessary to secure national economic and social goals. Australia is no exception here. Yet, in this country, as in others, similar mobilisations occurred in earlier times, most noticeably during wartime. This article describes and discusses two particular measures during and after the Second World War: the Commonwealth Technical Training Scheme and the Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme. Beyond providing an historical account of these two national schemes for skilling Australians, the paper identifies the importance of securing a national consensus and the engagement of all parties, and showing sensitivity towards those who participate in such programs. Particularly salient is that although national-focused, the success of these programs was premised on effective localised arrangements, where diligent administrators and educators seemingly worked closely with local employers and unions to realise their effective implementation.

Keywords: Second World War, Commonwealth Technical Training Scheme, Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme, skilling, Australia

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This article is part of AJAL, Volume 50_3. The entire volume is available in .pdf for purchase here.


Role reversal: Educators in an enabling program embark on a journey of critical self-reflection

Author/s:  Jenny McDougall and Wendy Davis

Edition: Volume 51, Number 3, November 2011

Summary: While much has been written about the transformative potential of adult education from the student perspective, little research has been done into the experiences of those who teach in such contexts. Continue reading “Role reversal: Educators in an enabling program embark on a journey of critical self-reflection”