- Surf on Pauliño
Budd Hall
Refereed articles
- A historical remembrance of Paulo Freire in South Africa: A tale of two activists
John Aitchinson & Veronica Irene McKay - Our homeland is humanity: The Cuban School of Literacy and Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Bob Boughton & Deborah Durnan - Revisiting Freire
Griff Foley - Becoming an activist-scholar through Pedagogy of the Oppressed: An autoethnographic account of engaging with Freire as a teacher and researcher
Helen Underhill - Annunciation and denunciation in Paulo Freire’s dialogical popular education
Linden West
From the field
- Literacy and transformation: Shedding of spoilt identities
Vicky Duckworth & Marie McNamara
Letters to those who dare to teach: Another world is possible
- Paulo Freire: A necessary voice
Sergio Haddad - The critical power of Freire’s work
Licínio C. Lima - Letter to those who dare teach: Another world is possible
Paul Gurton - A RED-letter day
Tony Davis
Book review
- Socially just pedagogies: Posthumanist, feminist and materialist perspectives in higher education – Vivienne Bozalek, Rosi Braidotti, Tamara Shefer and Michalinos Zembylas (eds.)
Reviewed by Natalie Purves
Call for papers
- Adult learning education for climate action
Hilary Whitehouse & Bob Stevenson