Volume 51 / Number 1 / April 2011

International vocational education and training—The migration and learning mix

Occupational mobility in Queensland’s Aged Care, Automotive and Civil Construction sectors

The role of cultural structure in continuing vocational training: A study on auto repairmen in Turkey

Visy Cares Hub—A partnership in community learning

‘I feel like I’m being hit from all directions’: Enduring the bombardment as a mature age learner returning to formal learning

Secondary level re-entry of young adult learners: A case study

Older adults’ training courses: Considerations for course design and the development of learning materials

Volume 51 / Number 2 / July 2011

Centres ‘Down Under’: Mapping Australia’s neighbourhood centres and learning

Leisure activities as a source of informal learning for older people: The role of community-based organisations

Learning in social action: The informal and social learning dimensions of circumstantial and lifelong activists

The educative role of a regional newspaper: Learning to be drier

Corporate sector practice informs online workforce training for Australian government agencies: Towards effective educational‑learning systems design

Friendship and relationships in virtual and intercultural learning: Internationalising the business curriculum

Informal learning in the workplace: A review of the literature

Brothers Inside: Fathering workshops with Aboriginal prisoners

Volume 51 / Number 3 / November 2011

Adults’ participation in informal learning activities: Key findings from the adult education participation survey in Taiwan

Role reversal: Educators in an enabling program embark on a journey of critical self-reflection

Promoting literacy for adults with intellectual disabilities in a community-based service organisation

Utopian scenario sketching: An imaginal pedagogy for life giving civilisation

Learning to manage: Transformative outcomes of competency based training

Learning about health

Time and meaning in later-life learning

Principles and practices of mature age education at U3As

Barriers to adult learning: Bridging the gap

Volume 51 / Special edition / December 2011

Through the looking glass: adult education through the lens of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning over fifty years

All over, red rover? The neglect and potential of Australian adult education in the community

Authenticity through reflexivity: connecting teaching philosophy and practice

Recognition of prior learning (RPL): can intersubjectivity and philosophy of recognition support better equity outcomes?

Scheherazade’s secret: the power of stories and the desire to learn

Communities of practice in a voluntary youth organisation: reaching for the sky and building social capital

Launching a career or reflecting on life? Reasons, issues and outcomes for candidates undertaking PhD studies mid-career or after retirement compared to the traditional early career

The learning projects of rural third age women: enriching a valuable community resource

Is the use of video conferencing and supporting technologies a feasible and viable way to woo farmers back into farmer education?

Arnold Hely and Australian adult education

Art, disability, learning and the dance of my life

Looking forward: Community Gateways at Victoria University