Volume 54 / Number 1 / April 2014

What’s politics got to do with it? ‘Power’ as a ‘threshold’ concept for undergraduate business students

Learning and leadership: Evaluation of an Australian rural leadership program

Willing and enabled: The academic outcomes of a tertiary enabling program in regional Australia

The use of peer assessment in a regional Australian university tertiary bridging course

Case studies in e-RPL and e-PR

Improving the quality of student experience in large lectures using quick polls

Volume 54 / Number 2 / July 2014

Diversity and achievement: Is success in higher education a transformative experience?

How a personal development program enhances social connection and mobilises women in the community

Teacher professional learning communities: Going beyond contrived collegiality toward challenging debate and collegial learning and professional growth

Expectations and reality: What you want is not always what you get

Identifying tertiary bridging students at risk of failure in the first semester of undergraduate study

Educational biographies in Germany: From secondary school general education to lifelong learning?

Do actions and methods in guidance for older workers exist in Spain?

Book Review – Reflections on learning, life and work: Completing doctoral studies in mid and later life and career, Maureen Ryan (ed.), Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, 2012

Volume 54 / Number 3 / November 2014

Continuous learning and its social organisation for engineers: An exploratory study in China

Developing a qualifications structure for the finance services industry in Malaysia and beyond

How can the expansion of the apprenticeship system in India create conditions for greater equity and social justice?

Policy and barriers related to implementing adult e-learning in Taiwan

Staying in a certain state of mind: becoming and being a freelance adult educator in Singapore

Book review – Adult Education in Changing Times: Policies, philosophies and professionalism

Book review – What did you learn at work today? The forbidden lessons of labor education