Volume 40 / Number 1 / April 2000
Lifelong learning in the community
Lifelong learning: Critical, desirable or just a good idea?
Towards maximising learning through online environments
Rural health meets the challenges of delivering national Training Packages
Spirituality and human occupation
Does studying peace make a difference? An experiment at the University of Papua New Guinea
Adult/continuing education in Indian universities
The informal teachers’ contribution to lifelong learning
Volume 40 / Number 2 / July 2000
Current problems and developments of VET in Germany – The educational case for modernization
Learning communities for social change in forums on the web
Community sustainability and adult education: Learning to build civil capital and resist corporate globalisation
Alfred North Whitehead, Process Thought, and the Religious Education of Adults
The evolution of food and wine courses at the WEA of South Australia
Environment building on total literacy campaigns in Andhra Pradesh, India
Research revisited
The learning in workteams
Volume 40 / Number 3 / November 2000
Agenda for a national association
The international importance of a national association
Early memories of the Australian Association of Adult Education
Lifelong learning: Contested ground
The rise and fall of an adult education qualification
Learning beyond the classroom
Committing to reconciliation through education
Reconciling things and being
Study of knowledge on air pollution among different categories of rural adults in India